A Balanced Nervous System and Cranial Adjustments

A balanced central nervous system can regulate and handle the excess stress of everyday life!

Some signs that your nervous system is overwhelmed and stressed include:

Trouble sleeping
Chronic ear infections and immune system struggles
Constipation and gut issues
Focus and concentration trouble
Anxiety and emotional regulation challenges
Fatigue and exhaustion
Hyperactivity and impulsivity
Functional movement disorders
…and so much more!

Cranial adjustments are essential in healing the central nervous system to calm the brain and restore balance to the entire body!

Our Nervous System

Life is experienced through our nervous system.

Our nervous system regulates how we perceive our outside world. It regulates our health and how we respond to TOXINS, TRAUMAS, and THOUGHTS.

When the nervous system is out of balance, it decreases our body’s innate ability to self heal. Dr. Roger Sperry, who won a Nobel Prize on brain research stated, when there is improper nervous system regulation, it gives the body less energy to “think, heal, and metabolize”.

On your first visit here a full neurological evaluation is performed. A large part of the exam we use insight scans, which include a thermography scan and an HRV test.

These two tests give us a picture of how well the nervous system is functioning. Based off those scans we put a plan in place to get the body back to optimally functioning the way it was created.

Chiropractic Care Can Change Your Life - Irvine Chiropractic Offices

Why live a good life when you could live a great life? We experience life through our nervous system. How our bodies respond to all the stresses of life depends on how well our nervous system is functioning! ⠀

Guess what?! ⠀

Chiropractic removes those stresses allowing your nervous system to optimally function! With these stresses mitigated, our bodies can thrive, and we can enhance our experiences in life. ⠀

Pediatric Chiropractic Adjustment Dr. Brian Harbin

The Power of an Adjustment 

Chiropractic Adjustment Dr Harbin

Chiropractic adjustments are not meant to cure disease, pain, or symptoms! Chiropractic adjustments ARE for clearing your nervous system and reconnecting mind, body, and spirit! It has been proven that chiropractic adjustments optimize hormones that bring health and balance back to the body. 

Our bodies are amazing self healing, self regulating creations capable of healing from the inside out! When there is interference in the body, decreasing function, our bodies with shift toward DIS-ease. Restoring proper function will allow our bodies to shift back toward healing and health! .

When was the last time you had your spine checked?